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Youth and Young Adult Committee

Committee Responsibilties
Attend and participate in committee meetings that will be held 1st Friday at 6pm every month.
Attendance is a plus so really think about this commitment. If you miss 3 meetings you will be removed from the committee. If you are holding an executive leadership role know that you will need to participate in board meetings. ​
Take responsibility for both annual and long-range curriculum and activity planning in Youth Leadership.
Develop and implement plans to increase participation in Step’s Foundation, Inc’s program and leadership opportunities.
Make recommendations to the Program Committee for training that supports youth leadership and youth-adult partnership in all of Step’s Foundation, Inc’s programs.
Organize, coordinate and evaluate activities that promote youth leadership.
Make recommendations for new leadership activities and discontinue outdated ones.
Oversee the selection and work of community connection projects.
Follow through on any committee or sub-committee work.
Coordinate participation in Youth Leadership Conferences locally or statewide.
Work closely with youth program ambassadors on community initiatives and support their learning efforts and growth.
Set aside an average of 5-10 hours per month that will be used for meetings, conferences, workshops, projects, etc.
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